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Eletronuclear's innovative project for the production of Hydrogen

Eletronuclear's project in Angra dos Reis-RJ demonstrates the production of hydrogen from the direct electrolysis of sea water, without the need for desalination and without record of environmental impact in over 25 years of operation.

The next step is to use the product in the villages of Praia Brava and Mambucaba, where the company intends to supply its internal demand for H2 in the electric generators of the Angra 1, 2 and 3 plants and, with the excess production of H2, validate the application technology of Hydrogen in its fleet of buses and light vehicles and also in the distributed generation of energy produced through fuel cells. Further ahead, the idea is to transform the villages into a SmartCity experience.

Learn more about the joint visit by Britcham and the British Consulate organized by Calos Peixoto, Karla Lepetitgaland and Nelri Leite to the project to use the hydrogen produced at the sodium hypochlorite plant.


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